Contact FormContact Form Nama Lengkap / Full Name required Nomor Telepon / Phone Number required Email Addressrequired 1.Status Pengaju / Applicant Type Pribadi / End UserArsitek / ArchitectKontraktor / ContractorInterior DesignerPengembang / Developerdan Lainnya / Other 2. Waktu Kebutuhan / When do you need it? Secepatnya / As soon as possible1 Bulan Lagi / 1 Month2 Bulan Lagi / 2 Months3 - 5 Bulan Lagi / 3 - 5 MonthsDalam tahap survey / Just Planning 3. Rencana Kebutuhan / Purpose Renovasi / RenovationBangunan Baru / New Construction 4. Di mana lantai akan dipasang? / Where will the flooring be installed? Rumah / HouseKantor / OfficeRestoran / RestaurantHotel / Hotel